Product card

Discontinued products


Discontinued product

Simple and clear

Rock meets all the basic requirements of simplicity and clarity. Its harmonic clarity allows the rest of the space speak. Rock can welcome a variety of people. Hooks and hangers are available as accessories.

This product is no longer available.

All our products are made in Finland.

Maalattu ja ruostumaton teräs

Delivery time 1-2 weeks, lowest price
Stock paints: dark aluminum grey, white or black

Delivery time 3-4 weeks
Standard paints: light aluminum grey, green, red, yellow or orange

Delivery time 5+ weeks
Special paints

Smooth paints are semi-gloss unless otherwise noted.


Widths: 900 mm, 1050 mm, 1200 mm
Depth: 610 mm
Height: 1530 mm

Dimensions table

The information is for one product. 

See the Packaging Details table for details.

Sisältö on tarkoitettu vain kirjautuneille ammattilaisille. Ota yhteyttä ja pyydä tunnukset!

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Riikka Raittila

Sales manager

Riikka Raittila

Contact me:
+358 50 475 2208